In the period of 2nd of December till 8th was held a youth exchange at Hotel “Ambient” – Struga. Coalition for youth organizations SEGA and Uzicki centar za prava deteta are organizing this Youth exchange within the project: “Peer to peer activism”.
Прва Мрежа на Младински Организации во Македонија!
In today’s world, there are currently 6912 languages spoken. Turkish is one of the most spoken language in the World. Today, around 250 million people speak Turkish and this number makes Turkish the fifth most spoken language among all languages. Turkey Turkish has the largest amount of people spoken the language among these 250 million people.
A great experience with Lela and the volunteer from France, Thèo, was during children's rights week. French's teacher of Prilep’s primary school had the brilliant idea to let the children build a “Tree of children rights” developed with cardboard, it has been cut with the shape of each child’s hand, and above each of them was written every personal thought the children had about their rights!