First Youth Development Index Macedonia
On December 18, 2018, the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA promoted the first Report for 2018 of the Youth Development Index Macedonia in Skopje, hotel TCC Grand Plaza.
In regard of the categories examined through the Youth Development Index, the lowest values are identified in the field of employment, education and civic participation. Moreover, the Index provides guidelines which fields require intervention and what priority aspects to be covered.
Zoran Ilieski, team leader of the project and Executive Director of SEGA stated “This tool is a first of a kind in Macedonia and it marks the progress of civic participation at regional level. The Index is valuable resource with relevant and measurable data that will serve CSOs and other local stakeholders to address actual needs of young people in education, health, employment as well as in civic and political participation”.
The participants at the event were also addressed by the Director of the Agency of youth and sports, Darko Kaevski, the Manager of the Sector for analysis and coordination of the Secretary General of the Government of the R. Macedonia, Suzana Nikodijevikj-Filipovska, Director of the USAID Civil Engagement Project, Ana Drakikj and Aleksandar Cekov, external consultant, researcher at the Center for research and policy making.
Here you can download the YDIM Report for 2018.
The Youth Development Index Macedonia is prepared within the project of the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA “Strengthening Youth Engagement in Local Communities” with aim to to increase youth CSO influence towards citizen participation in local and national decision making. This will contribute toward improving of the overall status and wellbeing of young people across the country.