Achieve Meeting in Prague
From 19th to 21st of February, Coalition SEGA was part of the Achieve meeting that was organized
in the Big Hall of the House of National Minorities in Prague.
On the first day of the meeting, one representative of each country made a short presentation of the territory consisted of three aspects: general characteristics of the territory, elements that represent the identity of the territory related to art, history, music, dance, gastronomy, typical products, religion, and how the cultural heritage of the territory is recognized by their own inhabitants.
The second day, there was a session dedicated to the presentation of the local events that each organization realized in its territory.
Last day of the meeting was organized for instruction about the next activities for the global citizenship map.
ACHIEVE aims to develop the EU identity starting from a reflection on the common history, art and religions among cities from Central and South-Eastern Europe as a tool to fight growing Euroscepticism.
Lead applicant of this project is Breganze Municipality (Italy) and partner organizations are: Istituto Rezzara (IT), Association des Agences de la Democratie Locale (FR) , CRLDS - Centre for European Policy Studies on Regional and Local Development (AL) , RAM Central Stara Planina (BG) , Zavidovici Municipality (BIH), House of National Minorities (CZ) , Erdut Municipality(HR), Peje Municipality (KS), Coalition of youth organizations SEGA (MK), Herceg Novi Municipality (Montenegro), Mioveni Municipality (RO) , Cajetina Municipality (SER) & CEE CN (SK).