Coalition SEGA is starting project A.C.H.I.V.E. as partner organization
In period of June 2019 till May 2021 Coalition SEGA is part of the project A.C.H.I.V.E. - Awareness of Common History for Identifying and Extending the Values of Europe.
ACHIEVE aims to develop the EU identity starting from a reflection on the common history, art and religions among cities from Central and South-Eastern Europe as a tool to fight growing Euroscepticism.
For these reasons, these are the topics at the challenges that ACHIEVE wants to face:
- promoting knowledge about one's own territory and then on the other countries involved
- fostering discussion on the concepts of identity and Euroscepticism, whose causes will be investigated at local level in all the targeted countries and shared in occasion of international events. Thirdly, the network of cities will share tools and methods to create a COUNTER NARRATIVE AGAINST EUROSCEPTICISM.
Objectives of the project:
Raise awareness to the common memory, history and values of EU countries and to the EU objectives (like peace promotion), its values and the wellbeing of its inhabitants through debates, reflections and networks
Encourage civic and democratic participation of citizens at EU level by developing their knowledge on the process of political elaboration of EU and promoting opportunities of civic, volunteer or intercultural engagement at EU level.
Lead applicant of this project is Breganze Municipality (Italy) and partner organizations are: Istituto Rezzara (IT), Association des Agences de la Democratie Locale (FR) , CRLDS - Centre for European Policy Studies on Regional and Local Development (AL) , RAM Central Stara Planina (BG) , Zavidovici Municipality (BIH), House of National Minorities (CZ) , Erdut Municipality(HR), Peje Municipality (KS), Coalition of youth organizations SEGA (MK), Herceg Novi Municipality (Montenegro), Mioveni Municipality (RO) , Cajetina Municipality (SER) & CEE CN (SK).