Workshop for Preparation of Annual Program of MIRR
On 14 – 15 September, 2018 in Hotel Ambient, Struga Coalition SEGA held a Workshop for preparation of an annual program for the organization Youth Initiative for Regional Development - MIRR.
The representatives of MIRR have prepared an annual program for 2019 in order to carry out activities for youth at the local level with determined strategic goals and a work plan.
This activity is part of the project "Advocacy for CSOs for active youth participation" funded by the Small Grants Program of Preda Plus, which aims to increase the dialogue between CSOs, youth and decision-makers in the municipality of Krivogastani. The project is implemented in partnership with the Association for Rural Development, Local Action Group - Agro Leader and Youth Initiative for Regional Development - MIRR from the municipality of Krivogastani.
The project is financed by the Small Grants Program of Preda Plus through the project "Improving the active involvement of Macedonian civil society organizations in the decision-making process through strengthening of newly established civil society organizations". The project is funded by the European Union. Reference: EuropeAid / 151569 / DD / ACT / MK