DYouth Expedition: Joint Staff Online Training
From the period of 25th February - 05th March 2021, Coalition SEGA together with the partners EPI from Poland held a short term joint staff training,
online through the ZOOM platform.
The main objective of the project "DYOUTH expedition" is to increase quality of digital youth work in empowering youth to become active citizens in the society and exchange best practices for enhancing entrepreneurship among youth. The main outcome of the project is producing e-learning toolkit as a valuable recourse for youth workers combining both offline and online methods in entrepreneurial learning for young people in NEET situation.
Short term joint staff training event was attended by 7 participants, youth workers from EPI and SEGA. During this event participants transferred their knowledge and experience in digital tools in youth work to their peers on the training but also trained and skilled for Piloting E-Learning toolkit “DYOUTH Expedition” trough workshops for youth.
After the training, online workshops were held with local young people from Macedonia and Poland.
This event was part of the project "DYOUTH expedition" implemented by the Coalition SEGA within the Erasmus + program, Key Action 2 - Strategic Partnership - Support for Exchange of Good Practices with partners EPI from Poland, working on strategic and structured approach in sharing experiences and best practices and capacity building of Youth workers in entrepreneurial learning for young people in NEET situation (NEET - Young people who are neither in employment nor in education or training and are at risk of becoming socially excluded – individuals with income below the poverty-line and lacking the skills to improve their economic situation).