A Local Discussion About Identifying The Needs Of Youth Held In The Village Obrshani
On August 20, 2018
in the premises of Jonce Smugreski primary school in the village Obrshani, a local discussion was held with the youth in cooperation with the organisations MIRR and LAG AGRO Lider.
The purpose of the local discussion was to gather the views of the youth and civic organizations for their needs at local level and to give recommendations for their implementation in cooperation with the decision-makers i.e. the Municipality of Krivogastani. Local youth discussed on several topics primarily about their youth information needs, the ways they can participate in decision-making processes at local level, cooperation with Youth Council and with the municipality of Krivogashtani, as well as for the role of civil society organizations at local level and quality use of youth's leisure time through activities.Within the project “ Advocacy of Civic Organisations for active youth participation” are planned three local discussion which will be implemented in municipality of Krivogashtani in cooperation with association of rural development, Local action group- Agro Lider and Youth initiative for regional development- MIRR from Krivogashtani.
Through the activities at local level, greater commitment and capacity of the civic organizations representing the youth will be achieved in order to enable them to participate in the decision-making process important for the youth in the municipality of Krivogastani.
The project is financed by the Small Grants Program of Preda Plus through the project "Improving the active involvement of Macedonian civil society organizations in the decision-making process through strengthening of newly founded civil society organizations". The project is funded by the European Union. Reference: EuropeAid / 151569 / DD / ACT / MK.