Announcement 04.04.2018, Hotel Arka - Skopje: Promotion of Index for Youth Development Macedonia
On April 4, 2018, in hotel ARKA in Skopje, from 11:00 to 12:00, Coalition of youth organizations SEGA will organize the
promotion of the Youth Development Index - Macedonia within the framework of the grant "Strengthening youth inclusion in the local communities ", supported by the USAID Citizen Participation Project. The grant is a three-year initiative implemented by the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA in cooperation with the Agency of Youth and Sports. Deputy Director of the USAID Citizen Participation Project, Jeton Krasniqi, Youth and Sports Agency Director Darko Kayevski, Executive Director of Coalition of Youth Organizations SEGA, Zoran Ilieski and the associate of the project, Aleksandar Cekov will have short speeches. The main goal of the project "Strengthening Youth Inclusion in Local Communities" is to increase the impact of youth organizations on civic participation in decision-making processes at local and national level, which will contribute to improving the status and well-being of young people in the state. The goal will be achieved through the application of innovative tools for detecting youth needs, focusing on civic participation, strengthening the knowledge and skills of youth organizations in addressing the current needs of young people, thus improving the understanding of youth participation in the local community. The project introduces the Youth Development Index in Macedonia as a new and innovative tool for addressing the needs of young people at all levels. The project is being implemented in cooperation with the Agency of Youth and Sport.