"We are all=in our rights" Happy World Children's Day!
Under the motto "We are all=in our rights", SEGA together with the Ombudsman Office, Direction for development and advancing of the education and languages of the communities, and the Pestallozi Children's organized several events to celebrate the World Children's Day and 30 years of the Convention on the rights of a child.
With official press conference of the Ombudsman, Mr. Idzet Memeti, in the Ombudsman Office started the celebration of the Day. He emphasized that children are our responsibility, and it is our responsibility to respect, achieve and protect child rights.
In the Home of the Army in Skopje, the event "We are all=in our rights", was organized in which the child ombudsmen from different schools in different cities addressed the audience with requests for respecting child rights. At the event children from kindergartens, primary and high schools from different cities of the RN Macedonia took part.
The child ombudsmen led the March of Equal Child Rights from the Home of the Army, to the National Assembly.
At noon, Mr. Talat Daferi, President of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, welcomed the children in the Assembly Building. In the name of all child ombudsmen and children, Ms. Matea Poposka, Child Ombudsman in the SOU Gjorche Petrov - Prilep, Ms. Afërdita Lutfiu, Child Ombudsman of SEOU Gostivar, and Mr. Stefan Stojanov, Child Ombudsman in SOU Dobri Daskalov - Kavadarci, read the "Request of children for the child rights" and handed to the President of the Assembly. Among other she emphasized: “We the children are against violence and we do not want offences and humiliations, and we strongly appreciate when you ask us what we think. We do not want to be only silent observers, but we are asking you adults to include us and to hear us. That is why the Assembly should vote on laws that will enable our rights provisioned with the Convention. Besides, you are all adults today, and you all were children and you know how hard is it ehen you are here, but is like you are not. We the children are not asking for something impossible, infeasible, but something common for all of us. We ask from you to enable all child rights in to reality because we are all equal in our rights"...
The event finished in front of the Assembly building where all participants released of balloons with messages in different colors, sharing symbolic message for equality on the children in their rights.