The project ‘My Career Our Game’ aims to introduce innovative early career guidance methodology as a sustainable tool for the prevention of young people becoming NEET, providing an innovative face-to-face approach. The project targets youth at risk to become NEET in secondary and higher education, providing career guidance via formal and non-formal / curricular and extracurricular activities in North Macedonia, Portugal and Poland.
The publication „Early Career Guidance Methodology through gamification” was created with reference to the first project publication - INNOVATIVE MODEL OF FACE-TO-FACE CAREER GUIDANCE, which gave an overview of the method and outlined the steps to be taken. This publication is an extension where could be found many tips and advice on how to carry out the activity data, contained in the scenarios for each step.
The project “My career our game” (2020-1-PL01-KA205-081121) is implemented by the Association Education by the Internet EPI from Poland together with Coalition of youth organizations SEGA and University of Aveiro from Portugal.
PUBLICATION „Early Career Guidance Methodology through gamification”
Attachments to the publication „Early Career Guidance Methodology through gamification”: