Protect Yourself NOW!
Coalition of youth organizations SEGA conducts a campaign to raise public awareness to protect and prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The campaign is implemented by Coalition of youth organizations SEGA in cooperation with the Municipality of Prilep within the project "Support to Marginalized Groups for Prevention of COVID-19 in Prilep", funded by Grupa 484 and supported by Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade.
The mask is a must-have fashion accessory! You can combine it with everything: with your favorite piece of clothing, with your shoes, and even with the mask on your mobile phone!
The hand sanitizer goes in pairs with the sunscreen. Disinfect your hands before applying your favorite sunscreen!
The carrier of a new coronavirus becomes dangerous to others immediately after infection - long before the first symptoms (if any).
Before leaving home, prepare with the necessary protective equipment - mask and disinfectant. You never know when you will meet the person you like.
Keep your distance from your friends! Create a cool new greeting together that does not involve shaking hands, hugging or kissing.
One of the most common symptoms of coronavirus is a loss of sense of taste and / or smell.
Crowds in front of a bank are a serious threat to the spread of the virus! Consider home payment options. When you have to go to the bank, protect yourself with a mask and keep a proper distance!
Do not forget the contacts with your loved ones and friends. Call them or arrange an online meeting. You will soon be able to hang out as before.
Although Covid19 may be more dangerous to older people, anyone can be infected, including young people.
Avoid crowded places where you can not provide adequate distance! Replace night parties with a walk in a nearby park or solo karaoke at home.
Work on strengthening your immunity! Include regular meals with lots of vegetables and fruits, be physically active and get regular sleep.
Holding your breath for more than 10 seconds without coughing or feeling uncomfortable does NOT mean that you are not infected with Covid19.
The school year has finally begun! Follow the directions of your teachers and the Ministry of Education and Science. Online teaching can also offer many new ways to communicate with peers.
Help others! Buy groceries and medicines for your elderly neighbors or relatives. Call your loved ones and friends who are currently in isolation and offer them help!
Covid19 and seasonal flu cause respiratory diseases and spread in the same way, but Covid19 causes more severe consequences, is more difficult to transmit and is more difficult to detect.
Do not discriminate against people who are sick! It does not matter who got infected and how, no one wants to be sick! If you know someone who is currently struggling with Covid19, call them and offer them help!
Everything is in your hands! So often wash them thoroughly with soap, and when you are not able to wash them, use hand sanitizer!
Vitamin and mineral supplements can not cure you of Covid19. Vitamins C and D and zinc are crucial for the proper functioning of the immune system, but there are currently no guidelines for the use of supplements as treatment for Covid19.
Follow the measures and recommendations from the Ministry of Health! The recommendations are in the best interest of all of us, so that we can return to our normal way of life as soon as possible!
Protect yourself NOW! By protecting yourself you protect others around you. Only then we will get back to normal faster!