Strengthening Youth Engagement in Local Communities
Financial support: USAID Civil Engagement Project (Strategic Support Grants)
Duration: 01 October 2017 - 30 September 2020
The main goal of the project is to increase youth CSO influence towards citizen participation in local and national decision making. This will contribute toward improving of the overall status and wellbeing of young people across the country. The project goal will be accomplished through achieving the following specific objectives:
The project targets CSOs working with young people in all 8 regions of the Republic of Macedonia, and direct beneficiaries of the project are:
- Young people aged 15 - 29
- Agency for youth and sports of the Republic of Macedonia
- Ministry of labor and social policy of the Republic of Macedonia
- Employment Agency of the Republic of Macedonia
- Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Macedonia
- Municipalities
The project goal will be accomplished through 3 general components: 1) Development and implementation of Youth Development Index Macedonia; 2) Capacity building of CSOs in advocacy action development and implementation; and 3) Raising awareness through targeted activities focused on improving civic participation in the country.
Expected results:
- Developed and applied inovative tool for detecting youth needs, focused on civic participation;
- Increased knowledge and skills of youth CSOs to address actual needs of young people;
- Improved understanding of youth participation in the local community.