My Career Our Game
Period: 01.06.2020 - 31.05.2022
Reference number: 2020-1-PL01-KA205-081121
The project "My Career Our Game" will bring together consortium consisted of partners from Macedonia, Portugal and Poland from different profile (national coalition of youth organizations, a university and an association) that will work on innovative approach in developing early career guidance methodology through gamification as youth friendly approach for prevention of NEET. Learning of the experiences of different European countries will be crucial in delivering the innovative outputs of this project.
The overall aim of the project is to: Increase quality of youth work in preventing NEET in Europe.
Through the project partners will strive to achieve the specific objective of the project to: Introduce innovative early career guidance methodology as a sustainable tool for prevention of young people becoming NEET.
As the project objective is to introduce innovative early career guidance methodology as a sustainable tool for prevention of young people becoming NEET, this project will deliver significant input in developing innovative approach in early career guidance in favor of prevention of NEETs. The innovation in this matter is that this project will bring together the experiences of early career guidance in the non-formal and formal education, and will bridge them in providing recommendations on positive and innovative approaches in defining methodology on early career guidance in preventing youth becoming NEETs. The research will show different perspectives and approaches of early career guidance around Europe, both in formal or informal education, and will provide useful recommendations not only for the partner organizations but also to all practitioners and youth workers out there that want to address prevention of NEET using early career guidance methods. With the analysis the researchers should provide recommendations on defining methodology that will be applicable both in formal and non-formal education, which is efficient, and cost effective, that can be easily adapted by the interested stakeholders without expensive training programme.
Partners will have a challenge to put the recommendations developed with the first intellectual output into practice and therefore to develop unique early career guidance methodology to be used and easily adapted both by educational institutions, professional practitioners and youth workers. Moreover, they will work together in order to draw off the methodology into gamification and developing of youth friendly game that will guide young people into their career development and improving their employability with less physical contact with youth workers and practitioners. First this innovative methodology will be piloted in Macedonia through the youth information and counselling centers in Prilep and Kavadarci, in Portugal with the students of the Aveiro University and in Poland with young people through the youth information of Association Education by the Internet - Eurodesk Local Relay in Kielce. In order to make sure that this methodology is adequate to the needs and requirements of young people, the process will be combined with short-term blended mobility in which young people with social and economic obstacles will participate. Three multiplier events (conferences) will be organized in order to disseminate project outputs and outcomes. Through successful implementation, the project will contribute towards improving career development for youth in danger of getting in NEET situation through piloting new innovative and common methodology on early career guidance through gamification in Macedonia, Portugal and Poland, will influence on the collaboration and communication between young people, youth workers and university professors working in the field and/or with youth for practical implementation of new innovative methodology on early career guidance as mechanism for prevention of NEETs, and therefore on decreasing the rate of youth unemployment on long-term.
The impact of the project activities and deliverables will ensure the sustainability of the action. The sustainability of these gamification methods/derives of the adapted procedures for youth programme to be implemented by 2 youth information centers (Macedonia), one public university (Portugal) and one NGO/Eurodesk Local Relay (Poland). They will provide innovative and youth friendly approach in career guidance of youth in their transition from education to employment. We expect a number of the member organizations of ERYICA and Eurodesk to multiply the proposed methodology for prevention of NEETs which will further contribute in the sustainability of the action.
On policy level, the continuous lobbying and advocacy for active measures on early prevention of NEETs will influence on increasing the number of users of active employment governmental measures addressing the needs of young people in NEET.employment governmental measures addressing the needs of young people in NEET.