Youth Club Shtip
Name of the recipient institution: Coalition of youth organizations SEGA
Implementation period: 10-06-2020 – 09-08-2021
Project purpose: Strengthened capacities of young people aged 15 – 29 in Shtip (students, unemployed young people and NEETs) for easier placement on the labour market using active labour market measures and employment opportunities within the Operational plan for ALMMs for 2020.
The existence of Youth Info Club in Stip will help students to get familiar with the benefits offered through the measures from Operational Plan on ALMMs of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia and its components focusing on: Self-employment, including youth and people with disabilities, as well as Community Works and trainings in occupations demanded by the employers. On the other side the daily work in YIC will be shaped to reach young people in NEET situation as well and to promote the active measures for this target on the field. YIC Stip will ensure direct communication with youth to help them apply for the most suitable active labour market measures or other employment and training opportunities and realize their work aspirations and potentials.
Expected results:
R1: Students and unemployed young people in Shtip are informed on the active labour market measures and employment opportunities within the Operational plan by the Government for 2020.
R2: Potential employers from the region of Shtip are informed for the benefits of 2020 Operational Action employment plan and support the YIC.
R3: Young people from Shtip aged 15 – 29 have increased their employability capacities related to easier placement on the labour market.
Youth Info Club will be networking facility between the representatives of the Employment Center, chambers of commerce, private sector, craftsmen chambers, regional center for promotion of entrepreneurship, relevant NGOs and other actors working in the field of youth employment in Shtip and its surroundings.
The purpose of the project will be achieved through variety of services and activities that will be organized by Youth Info Club in Shtip.