DYouth Expedition E-learning toolkit a valuable recourse for youth workers
We are pleased to share with you the e-learning Toolkit "DYouth expedition" which is a product
of the project "DYouth expedition" implemented by Coalition of youth organizations SEGA within
the strategic partnership with EPI from Poland, funded by the National Agency for European
Educational Programs and Mobility from Macedonia as part by the Erasmus + program, Key
Action 2.
DYouth Expedition is an electronic toolkit and is a valuable resource for youth workers to learn
with young people. The e-toolkit is designed to provide knowledge of innovative methods for
direct youth work, online tools and entrepreneurial learning techniques that youth workers could
use in their daily work with young people, and aims to serve youth workers in Europe as
valuable resource in their daily work with young people in a NEET situation, but also with all
young people in general.
The e-learning toolkit consists nine parts: Digital Youth Work, Youth Work Experiences and
Practices with NEET in Poland and Macedonia, NEET Entrepreneurship (EU Experiences and
Practices), E-Learning for Youth and Digital Tools for Youth Workers, Methods for youth work
how to ensure NEET participation in activities, Methods for working with youth to improve
entrepreneurship, The role of the youth worker in strengthening entrepreneurship, Practical
exercises and modules for youth workers including online tools.
Based on theory and practice, this toolkit has been created for easy-to-use and effective online
learning methodology with the necessary modules to help young people in the NEET situation
learn about entrepreneurship and realize their ideas and aspirations.
The DYouth expedition toolkit is in electronic version, given the fact that young people and
youth workers are using the internet and social media more for information and learning. The
importance of entrepreneurial learning is high, and there is a wide range of services that can
address youth guidance.
The project “DYouth Expedition” (2019-2-MK01-KA205-060550) is implemented by the Coalition
of Youth Organizations SEGA in partnership with EPI from Poland in the period from 1 st
September 2019 to 31 st March 2021 and it is supported by the National Agency for European
Education programs and mobility in the Republic of North Macedonia, through the Erasmus +
program, Key action 2 - Strategic partnership - Support for the exchange of good practices.