Youth Information Workers fit to Youth
Start: 01-10-2016 - End: 31-03-2017Project Reference: 2016-2-MK01-KA205-021756EU Grant: 9550 EUR
In complex societies and in an integrated Europe that offers many challenges and opportunities, access to information and the ability to analyze and use information is increasingly important for young Europeans. Youth information is dynamic in terms of establishment of new information centers, mobility of youth information workers, and new trends in the field of information following the needs of young people. In conditions of easy access to Internet and other electronic media and tools of communication, young people still remain insufficiently informed on the available opportunities that fit them.
The strategic partnership derives from the previous experiences of the partners. On the one hand, the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA from Macedonia runs two Youth Information Centers with less experience and existence of only several years, and on the other hand, the project involves experienced regional youth information center from Croatia. Moreover, the project includes ERYICA as European network with expertise in the field of youth information.Each partner works in the field of youth information and it is challenged to deliver information to the young people in their community on daily basis. Thus, the need to identify young people’s needs in order to improve the quality of youth information is essential. In addition, partners identified the need of close cooperation and connection between the youth information centers in Europe as for exchanging information, experiences and good practices, as to practical implementation of ITC in the youth information work.
The project aims at enhancing the quality of Youth Information by developing Guide for youth information workers based on exchange of practices to be applicable by the Youth Information Centers in Europe. In particular the project objectives will reflect to: exchange experiences of innovative tools and techniques for youth information; developing European dimension among countries, in particular on the field of youth; exchanging working methods among organizations; acquisition of new professional skills and competences for youth information workers; promoting transnational learning experiences and proposing best practices in the long term; building a dynamic network among countries and a sustainable partnership.
The project envisages two specific aspects:
- Preparation of Guide of best practices in the filed of youth information work " Information fit to youth", according to structured and detailed need assessment of youth information workers.
- Short-term joint staff event for youth information workers in Macedonia in order to build the capacities of youth information workers.
The main results of the project reflect at:
- Conducted detailed need assessment in the youth information work.
- Prepared Guide of best practices in the field of youth information work.
- Exchanged experiences and good practices on functioning of youth information centers.
- Disseminated Guide of best practices in the field of youth information work to youth information workers, youth information center, youth organizations and institutions for youth in Europe.
- Empowered youth information workers from Macedonia in on-line youth information, different channels of information, fitting information to the needs of young people, research, reliable and on-time informing, as well as for establishment of youth information centers and points, networking, and providing support and peer guidance to newly established youth information centers.
- Conceived solid base for continuation of the strategic partnership through inviting other relevant stakeholders to join the partnership.
Since the project includes partner organizations of three programme countries Macedonia, Luxembourg and Croatia, the first impact will be in these countries, and in particular at a regional level, where the partners are more present and develop their work. At local level the project will provide better overview of the youth needs, and will influence on the strengthening of the capacities of youth information workers. We expect that the project will lead to practical implementation of the Guide for youth information workers at regional level, and therefore other youth information centers. At national level the project will have impact on the collaboration and communication between young people, youth workers and informative representatives of national institutions working in the field information.
It is expected new youth information centers in Macedonia to be established.Making the deliverables of the project available to the Youth Information Centers and SHEryica users, and ERYICA member organizations, and other relevant stakeholders in Europe will contribute towards improving the overall situation with youth information in Europe. The project will be implemented in period of 6 months in Macedonia, Croatia and Luxembourg.