Прва Мрежа на Младински Организации во Македонија!


+389 (0) 48 429 390

Работни Часови

Понеделник - Петок:          09:00 - 16:30


Four new members in Coalition SEGA

Four new members in Coalition SEGA

With great honor and pleasure

Successful cooperation of Coalition SEGA with WIK

Successful cooperation of Coalition SEGA with WIK

Within  the framework of joint cooperation

Workshop: "Learning about the EU - EU Learn”, as part of the project "WISE While Innovating and Strengthening Europe"

Workshop: "Learning about the EU - EU Learn”, as part of the project "WISE While Innovating and Strengthening Europe"

Coalition of youth organizations SEGA held a workshop on "Learning about the EU" - EU Learn, as part of the project "WISE While Innovating and Strengthening Europe", supported by the Europe for Citizens Program of the European Union in cooperation with ALDA - European Association for Local Democracy, from France and 14 other partner organizations from Europe.

Workshop: "Learning about the EU" - EU Learn

Workshop: "Learning about the EU" - EU Learn

Coalition of youth organizations SEGA held a workshop on "Learning about the EU" - EU Learn, as part of the project "WISE While Innovating and Strengthening Europe", supported by the Europe for Citizens Program of the European Union in cooperation with ALDA - European Association for Local Democracy, from France and 14 other partner organizations from Europe.

Today in SEGA a training on the topic "Cyber Security" was held

Today in SEGA a training on the topic "Cyber Security" was held

Today, April 11, 2018, starting at 11:00 in the premises of the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA in Prilep, training

Прва национална платформа на младински организации во Македонија, со повеќе од 20 години искуство во лобирање за потребните законски измени во младинското учество, информираност, вработување и активизам.


Централна Канцеларија: +389 (0) 48 429 390


18, Цар Самоил, 7500 Прилеп, Македонија.